Chiropractic for Depression and Anxiety by Dr. Maddie Wallace

Stress is an inevitable part of life, and I think it is safe to say that we all struggle with the effects of stress on our lives from time to time. Anxiety and depression are extremely prevalent in today’s world. Dealing with these issues can be complex, but one thing I know for sure is that the state of your nervous system has a dramatic effect on your mental health. Whether you interpret a situation as stressful or manageable has everything to do with your nervous system.

One of the main roles of the nervous system is to make sure you are safe. It does this by monitoring the functions of your internal systems and watching out for threats in the environment. Many of us bombard our brain with endless information from social media, the news, emails, work tasks, household responsibilities and so on, making it more difficult for our nervous systems to know what’s important and what’s not. The result is an overactive “fight or flight” response (aka anxiety) that puts you on constant high alert and makes everything feels urgent. Or even worse, we lose that sense of urgency all together and feel hopeless (aka depressed). This is the “freeze” response that we experience in extreme situations of overwhelm. This occurs as a result of trauma and/or chronic “fight or flight”.

When our nervous system is in a state of hyper-vigilance we perceive situations as threatening and stressful. On the other hand, when our system is relaxed and regulated we perceive those same situations as mundane, manageable or even exciting . In the first scenario we are primed to look for problems & danger, whereas in the second we are primed for solutions & opportunities.

So, what can we do to keep our nervous system in a state of adaptability? There is no one-size-fits-all answer, but here is a list of activities to try and see what works for you:

  • Deep Breathing
  • Meditation
  • Walking, exercise or movement in general
  • Journaling
  • Breathwork
  • Connecting with you community
  • Laughing
  • Being in nature (without distractions)
  • Listening to music that makes you feel calm & happy
  • Gratitude
  • Body work
  • Help from a professional

Many people don’t know that chiropractic care may be a useful tool in navigating these conditions. Along with relieving tension in the body, chiropractic also triggers the release of positive hormones that can help your overall well-being by resorting balance, promoting healing and even lowering blood pressure. There is no quick fix for serious anxiety and depression, it is all about finding the balance of lifestyle changes & treatments that work for the individual. Chiropractic is a safe, drug free, low risk option to add to your wellness routine. When the world feels like too much, don’t forget to make yourself a priority & find ways to get the support you need 💛

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Maddie, please visit:

Instagram: @dr_maddie_awakenfamilychiro


Call or Text: (619) 776-9603

Address: 7734 Herschel Avenue, Suite F, La Jolla, CA 92037

This Blog post is brought to you by Dr. Maddie Wallace from Awaken Family Chiropractic a long time supporter and proud sponsor of Novo Dia Wellness Experience.