Master Your Emotions: 6 Steps To Life Changing Emotional Mastery

Master Your Emotions

“I don’t want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.” – Oscar Wilde



It’s time to take control of your emotions and master them! We all have moments where our emotions get the best of us – stuck in traffic, dealing with a difficult coworker, or even arguing with a loved one. 



But it doesn’t have to be this way. 



With a little practice, you can learn to recognize the signs of emotional overwhelm before it’s too late. Emotions can be our greatest gift, but it’s up to us to use them in a way that serves us. 


With emotional mastery, you can unlock the power of your emotions and use them to help you reach your goals and unlock your full potential!



Understanding Your Emotions 



Emotions are powerful and complex forces of nature. They can affect us both physically and psychologically, impacting our mood and behavior. 



For example, feeling happy or sad can make us cry, fear can make our heart race, and anger can make us feel hot. Our behavior is then influenced by the emotion we experience. We may hug someone, run away, or even yell and fight. 



Emotional mastery is key to understanding and managing our emotions. When we learn how to master our emotions, we are better able to control our behavior before the emotion takes over. 



What Is Emotional Mastery 



Emotional mastery is recognizing and managing our emotions in a healthy and productive way.



The path to emotional mastery begins with self-awareness. We need to understand our emotions and how they impact our 

behavior. We must learn to recognize our triggers and be mindful of our reactions. We can then start to practice self-regulation, which is the ability to regulate our emotions so we can stay in control.



The journey to emotional mastery is a challenging one. It requires dedication and hard work. We must be willing to challenge our beliefs, learn new skills, and practice new habits. We must also be patient with ourselves as we build our emotional intelligence.



Why Is Emotional Mastery Important?



Our emotions play a big part in interpreting what happens to us. 



This is our subjective experience – different from the facts of what happened (our objective experience). To understand our emotions better, psychologists recognize that emotions can influence how we think and act. 


We can’t change what happens to us, but we can change how we think about it and how we react to it. This is called emotional mastery, and it can positively affect our relationships, self-worth, communication, and overall satisfaction in life.


How To Master Your Emotions In Six Steps



Embrace your emotions as they come and take the opportunity to learn from them – don’t suppress or ignore them…


By following these six simple steps, you can strengthen and use your emotional intelligence to your advantage. Harness the power of your emotions and create an inspiring and motivating life.



Identify What You’re Really Feeling



Start your journey of emotional mastery by recognizing and defining your feelings. By doing so, you can develop the strength and understanding to harness your emotions and live life to the fullest.



Ask yourself:

  • What am I really feeling right now?
  • Am I really feeling…?
  • Is it something else?



Acknowledge And Appreciate Your Emotions, Knowing They Support You



Embrace and appreciate your emotions as part of who you are and use them as a source of strength and motivation. Developing emotional mastery allows you to use your feelings to become the best version of yourself.




  • Your entitled to feel your emotions and you should not allow anyone to tell you how you should or shouldn’t feel



Get Curious About The Message This Emotion Suggests To You



Feel your emotions and try to understand what they’re trying to tell you. 



Getting Curious About Your Emotions Allows You To:

  • Understand why you’re feeling what you’re feeling
  • Resolve the underlying cause of any negative emotions 
  • Prevent the same problem for occurring in the future 



Get Confident 



Remember that you have the strength to overcome any emotion! Look back on a time when you felt a similar feeling, and remind yourself that you have the power to conquer it. You have conquered it before and you can do it again! Your past successes give you the confidence to move forward and succeed.



Get Certain You Can Handle This Not Only Today, But In The Future As Well



Gain control over your emotions and give yourself the power to conquer any situation by rehearsing how you would react in the future. Visualize yourself handling any circumstance with strength and confidence. Just like strengthening a muscle, you can strengthen your emotional resilience with consistent practice. Equip yourself with the confidence to handle your feelings and stay in the driver’s seat.



Get Excited And Take Action



Now that you’ve learned how to master your emotions, it’s time to get excited about the fact that you can:

  • Easily handle your emotions 
  • Respond and react to any confrontation or situation with level thinking 
  • Prove to yourself that you can handle your emotions


Simple Wellness Practices To Enhance Your Emotional Control 



Wellness practices are a great way to help with emotional control – here are a few practices we suggest adding to your daily routine:


🧠 Practicing mindfulness, meditation, and breathing techniques can help to clear your mind and allow you to focus your thoughts and energies on the present moment, rather than letting your emotions take control. 


🧘🏻‍♀️ Taking time to practice yoga or other forms of physical activity can help to release any built-up tension and provide a much-needed outlet for stress. 


📝 Taking time out of your day to practice self-care activities such as journaling and reading can also be extremely beneficial, providing a much-needed break from the hustle and bustle of life and allowing you to reset and refocus. 


No matter what your wellness practices may be, they can be an invaluable tool in helping you take control of your emotions and care for your mental health.


“Emotion can be the enemy, if you give into your emotion, you lose yourself. You must be at one with your emotions, because the body always follows the mind.” Bruce Lee


Focusing on and embracing your emotions can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth. Letting your emotions flow freely can be a liberating experience, allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your life. When you nurture your emotions, you can create an environment of wellbeing and positivity, leading you on a path to a healthier life.


Join us for our new series of NOVO DIA events, an immersive wellness and art experience in the reclaimed Museum of Contemporary Art in La Jolla. 


Start your day with a feel-good morning filled with wellness, art, and self-development. Join us for yoga, sound bath, energy healing, and more unique workshops! The second installment of our series is all about Emotional Wellness on Saturday, May 13.

We will explore new ways to achieve a healthy level of self-awareness and control, embrace our emotions, and release past traumas. All through unique and powerful practices provided by a carefully selected lineup of facilitators of our community.


It’s time to go within and become your own MASTER!

Mohini Dass Jakobac
Biokinetics & Sport Psychology Certified Expert

Every day you wake up is another day you’re alive and able to achieve your goals. Proud to be part of the Novo Dia Team – I’m on a journey to not only help others reach their goals and find success, but to search for inner peace, grounding, and happiness.