Understanding Your Emotions

Understanding Your Emotions

We all know how powerful our emotions can be.


Our emotions can make us happy and excited or overwhelm us and make us feel lost and confused. But do we understand our feelings? Many of us need to be made aware of the impact our emotions have on our lives and the importance of correctly identifying and dealing with our feelings.


Understanding how we feel is essential for having a healthy and balanced life. It’s important to understand our emotions and know how they affect us. By understanding our spectrum of feelings, we can learn to manage them instead of allowing them to control our lives. We can learn to use our emotions to make positive decisions and create positive relationships.


It’s also vitally important to remember that emotions should never be suppressed


Suppressing your feelings can cause even more problems in the long run. It’s important to acknowledge them and healthily express them.


In this blog, we will explore the importance of understanding our emotions, how to identify and manage them. 

By understanding our emotions, we can create a healthier life with Holistic Happiness


Begin With Identifying Your Emotions


Emotions are the driving force behind our moods and behaviors. With a deep understanding of how we feel, we can catch them before they take over and affect our behavior. Everyone has the power to master their emotions, allowing them to take control of their lives and create positive changes. 


Emotion is an incredible power that should never be underestimated – it is the key to self-discovery, unlocking your potential and achieving your goals.


Reflect On How You’re Feeling 


One of the best ways to identify your emotions is to take a moment to close your eyes, let everything around you melt away, and tune in to how you’re feeling. Take deep breaths and allow yourself to feel everything within you and around you.


Naturally, we have negative and positive emotions – both provoke us to act and react in a certain way. The way we act and react falls on our ability to identify and control the way we feel in the present moment. 


Negative emotions include:

  • Anger – outrage, resentment, irritability, and animosity
  • Sadness – grief, gloom, melancholy, and despair
  • Fear – anxiety, nervousness, dread, and concern
  • Disgust – contempt, revulsion, disdain

Positive emotions include:

  • Enjoyment – happiness, joy, delight, euphoria
  • Love – trust, acceptance, adoration, and kindness
  • Positive surprise – thrill, wonder, and amazement

Take a moment right now and tune in to how you’re feeling.


Sit back, drop your shoulders, unclench your jaw, take a few deep breaths, go through the list of positive and negative emotions above, and find where you are right now.


Find it a bit difficult to place your emotions? Ask yourself these questions and then try to identify your current emotional state again:


Ask yourself:

  • What feelings am I aware of having? (There are often many.)
  • What is the most prominent? (Try to describe it to yourself.)
  • When did I become aware of this feeling?
  • What might be triggering this feeling?
  • What’s happening (or not happening) in my daily life?
  • How is my home life?
  • Am I getting along with my partner? My children? My parents and siblings?
  • How am I doing at work? Am I enjoying my work? Am I getting along with my co-workers? How’s my boss treating me? What are they telling me about me and their feelings about me? Can I see validity in what they’re saying?

By going through these questions, you can begin understanding the different aspects of your life and how they impact your emotions. 


The Connection Between Emotions and The Law of Attraction 


“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.”

— Willie Nelson


The Law of Attraction is the idea that our thoughts, feelings and beliefs shape our reality.


In essence, what we focus on, we attract. 


This means that when we focus on positive thoughts, feelings and beliefs, we attract positive outcomes and experiences. Conversely, when we focus on negative thoughts, feelings and beliefs, we attract negative outcomes and experiences.

At its core, the Law of Attraction is an emotional law. Emotions are incredibly powerful and have a huge impact on how we manifest in our lives. When we focus on positive emotions, such as joy, happiness, love and gratitude, we create an energy field that draws positive experiences to us. Similarly, when we focus on negative emotions, such as fear, anger, hatred and sadness, we create an energy field that draws negative experiences to us.


It is important to understand that the Law of Attraction is not just about visualizing what you want and expecting it to magically appear. It is also about allowing yourself to feel the emotions associated with what you want. For example, if you want to attract a loving relationship, then you must be willing to feel the emotions of love, joy and gratitude.


The more you focus on positive emotions, the more you will be able to manifest what you want in your life. So, the next time you find yourself feeling negative emotions, take a step back and focus on something that makes you feel good. This could be anything from a happy memory to a funny video. By doing this, you will be able to shift your energy and start attracting more positive experiences into your life.


The Law of Attraction is a powerful tool, and when used in conjunction with positive emotions, it can be a powerful force in shaping your future. So, take some time to focus on the positive emotions you want to attract into your life and watch your reality transform before your eyes.


“What you think you become. What you feel you attract. What you imagine you create.”

— Buddha


The bottom line is that it’s essential to identify and nurture your emotions instead of suppressing them. Doing so can help you better understand yourself and ultimately lead to a healthier life. 


When you take the time to identify, process, and express your emotions, you can better understand what’s happening in your mind and body and make more informed decisions. This can lead to better relationships, improved performance, and a more fulfilling life


So make sure to take the time to nurture your emotions rather than trying to ignore or run away from them. Your emotions are valuable and can help you live more meaningfully.


Join us for our new series of NOVO DIA events, an immersive wellness and art experience in the reclaimed Museum of Contemporary Art in La Jolla. 


Start your day with a feel-good morning filled with wellness, art, and self-development. Join us for yoga, sound bath, energy healing, and more unique workshops! The second installment of our series is all about Emotional Wellness on Saturday, May 13.


We will explore new ways to achieve a healthy level of self-awareness and control, embrace our emotions, and release past traumas. All through unique and powerful practices provided by a carefully selected lineup of facilitators of our community.



It’s time to go within and become your own MASTER!


Mohini Dass Jakobac
Biokinetics & Sport Psychology Certified Expert

Every day you wake up is another day you’re alive and able to achieve your goals. Proud to be part of the Novo Dia Team – I’m on a journey to not only help others reach their goals and find success, but to search for inner peace, grounding, and happiness.